Saturday, January 24, 2009

Actor once along with partner

1 single, Shine Rolling Stones frontman Mick Jagger, Lily Allen and U2s Bono were among guests at a Christmas party in London last night (December 18th). The actor, who once along with his partner Angelina Jolie stayed in Taj Mahal Palace and Tower hotel, has admitted that watching the horrific events on TV was very moving for the couple. Senator McCain, what do you make of Arizonans who think that for the last ten years youve been Americas senator, and not Arizonas senator? That, from a local reporter here in Phoenix, was one of the opening questions last week when John McCain held his first press conference since losing the presidential race on November 4. Lil Wayne will refund ticket buyers for the two concerts he postponed. On this day, they showed the NFL exactly why they have lost that many games, as their play was completely inept and uninspired. But lets get our priorities right.

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